Dear Lab/Shul Community,

In the spirit of spring and renewal, we write to invite you to strengthen our community by nominating someone — could be yourself! — for the Lab/Shul Board of Directors to begin serving new terms this fall.

In accordance with our bylaws, the Board has formed a Nominating Task Force composed of both Board and non-Board members to recruit, review, and propose a slate of potential new Board members. We aim to finalize the slate in June 2023, with official start in September 2023.

Click Here to Access the Expression of Interest/Nominating Form

We invite you to add your voice to our collaborative leadership process and help us co-create a community that nourishes all of us and keeps growing in-person and online by joining our Board of Directors, a board-led Team or Task Force, or nominating other leaders in our community who inspire you.


Please complete this confidential Board Expression of Interest/Nominating Form – including suggestions of who else we should be talking to – helping Lab/Shul to nurture a leadership representative of the Lab/Shul community across multiple lines of diversity: skills, experience, gender, sexuality, race, age, geography (not just NYC!), health, wealth, household structure, and relationship to Judaism. We strongly believe that a multiplicity of voices at the leadership level builds a more powerful Lab/Shul community.


Who can be nominated to the Board? Any Lab/Shul friend ready to take the leap into Partnerhood (membership) or current Partner over the age of 18.

What does it take to be a board member? Read Here.

Lab/Shul understands that in order to live our motto of “everybody-friendly” and model ways in which we and other spiritual communities can be catalysts for global change, we must center those who have been historically marginalized in and beyond Jewish communities. Lab/Shul actively questions and inspires deep conversation, and we will provide learning opportunities for the Board towards creating cultural and societal change. We are building a Board that embodies our mission and vision and that will support Lab/Shul to thrive as the truly diverse community we are.

Currently our Board does not accurately reflect our community, so we especially encourage the nomination of members who identify as: people of color, people with disabilities, neurodiverse people, transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, and young adults. We especially welcome members with anti-racism and other anti-oppression training, or enthusiasm to engage in such training as the Board will be embarking on such learnings beginning 5784/2023-24. In addition to mission alignment and representation, we are seeking incoming Board members who may bring skills, experience or access to resources related to digital marketing, fundraising, or real estate.

Thank you,

The Nominating Task Force of the Governance Team of the Lab/Shul Board

Sarra Alpert, Carol Barash, Michelle Freedman (former Board member,) Lori Roth Gale, Larry Green (current Board member,) Sam Hipschman (Director of Community Organizing and Engagement,) Jesi Kelley, Franny Silverman Newman (current Board member,) Melissa Shaw

P.S. The Lab/Shul Board has been a critical part of our success. At this year’s Gala celebrating Lab/Shul’s 10 year anniversary, all Board members past and present will be recognized for helping to create the very essence of Lab/Shul. We hope to see you on June 12th at the Museum of Jewish Heritage/A Living Memorial to the Holocaust!